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Ya Ya Summer 2025 Program Policy

By enrolling in our program, you agreed to abide by our policy. 

Sickness Policy
Please keep your child at home if they show any symptom of sickness, which may include but not be limited to the following list: 

  • Fever; Temporal (forehead) temperature above 100 degrees /Axillary (under arm) temperature above 100 degrees. A child can not return to school unless they are fever free for 24 hours per DOH regulations. 

  • Persistent diarrhea 

  • Conjunctivitis, which is an eye infection commonly referred to as "pink eye" 

  • Undiagnosed rash, except diaper rash 

  • Vomiting two or more times in previous 24 hour period, or any vomiting accompanied by other signs of illness 

  • Jaundice (yellow) skin or eyes

  • Difficult or rapid breathing 

  • Symptoms of strep throat or chicken pox 

  • Head Lice, scabies, or other parasitic infections

  • Any condition in which the child acts ill and is unable to participate in classroom activities and which compromises the health and safety of others 


A signed note from your child’s doctor will be required to clear your child of any suspected contagious illness, prior to returning to any class. If a child tests positive for Covid, please follow the recommended quarantine by New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene at the time of the illness. A child who has had a fever must be fever free without medication for at least 24 hours before returning to classes.


You must inform us via email of any permanent or temporary medical or other conditions, including special dietary and medication needs, which should be known about your child prior to their enrollment in our program, or if arising after the program has begun, immediately upon diagnosis. In the event that a child becomes ill during class, our staff will contact authorized pick-up personnel or emergency contacts to pick up your child immediately.

You must provide a primary and alternate emergency contact for your child who can be reached at the contact information provided in an emergency. If a child develops symptoms of sickness during school hours, we will notify the parents or emergency contact person immediately. We will provide a quiet place for the child to rest under supervision of a staff member until the child is picked up by an authorized grownup. Please try to pick up your child within an hour after notification. The school will seek professional medical attention for your child if and when necessary. You agree that, in the event of an emergency injury or illness, our staff may act on your behalf and at your expense in obtaining medical treatment for your child. 

No Make-up Class
There will be no make-up class for any missed class due to any reason. Please understand that the cost of the school operation and teacher salaries remain the same regardless of the attendance of the students. We thank you for your understanding and support for our school.

Late Pick-Up

Please always be punctual. When pick-up time is later than the designated time, an incremental childcare fee ($1 per minute) will be charged and billed to the account accordingly in the sole discretion of the School. If the Student is not picked up after one hour, and no one has responded to telephone calls or emails, the following procedure will be taken: (1) School will continue to call all numbers listed on the emergency contact form; (2) the Police Department will be called and will send an officer to the school; (3) If after 3 hours, the school is still unable to reach the Parent or any emergency contact for the child, the Police will then call Child Protective Services.

Refund and Cancellation Deadlines

  • Tuition includes all lesson materials, snacks and lunch.

  • Registration must be paid in full before your child can attend class.

  • To switch to a different summer session, a $50 administrative fee will be charged for each transaction. A written request with timestamp no later than 5/17/2025 must be emailed to before a switch will be considered. Please note that a switch cannot be guaranteed and it will only be accommodated if a spot is available.

  • A written request with a timestamp no later than 5/17/2025 must be emailed to before a refund request will be considered. A $300 administrative fee will be deducted. No refunds will be issued after the deadline.

  • There are no make-up classes or partial refunds for any missed class due to any reason.​

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