Preschool for 2 Year Olds | Ya Ya Preschool
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Preschool for 2 Year Olds

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At the tender age of two, children begin to make sense of the world around them and many of them enter a drop-off program for the first time. Our small nurturing environment provides a perfect home away from home for the little learners to feel safe and comfortable in bonding and building trust with their teachers and peers.


With gentle and loving guidance from their teachers, children learn school routines and begin to learn basic life skills such as putting on their own shoes or cleaning up after work time and meal times. Some will also start to develop the awareness of using toilets independently.


Socially, most children at this age still prefer to play parallelly, while some will begin to show interests in interaction with their peers.


In the area of language development, they will absorb Mandarin organically in our 100% Mandarin immersive classroom. Following the most natural language acquisition path for children, even our youngest learners will develop strong listening comprehension skills in Mandarin. As we live in an English-speaking country, they will also intuitively become adept at code-switching between Mandarin and English.

2s Development Benchmarks

Social and Emotional
  • Accepts redirections from adults

  • Attempts to do things themselves

  • Reacts to others' emotional cues

  • Plays parallelly with others

  • Learns to share and take turns

  • Seeks adult help to solve social problems

  • Follows simple directions accompanied by gestures

  • Names familiar objects

  • Uses 3 to 4-word sentences and tells simple stories without many details

  • Initiates and attends to brief conversations

  • Walks cross room and backwards

  • Experiments balancing by squatting to pick up toys

  • Throws a ball with both hands

  • Unbuttons large buttons

  • Draws/writes with whole hand

  • Shows interest in books

  • Understands that text is meaningful and can be read

  • Pretends to read a familiar book

  • Retells some events from a familiar story with prompt

  • Makes marks that appear to adults to be in random order

  • Verbally counts

  • Understands the concepts of 1, 2, and more

  • Recognizes a few numerals

  • Matches 2 identical shapes

  • Understands simple comparison such as bigger/smaller, more/less

  • Shows interest in simple patterns

  • Sustains interest in activities

  • Practices an activity until successful

  • Seeks help to solve problems

  • Enjoys taking things apart

  • Recalls happenings from the past

  • Sorts similar objects

  • Recognizes familiar people, objects, and animals in pictures

What happens after 2s?

Let's learn more about 3s!

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